Easy Job Fair Demo Event

Best practices for a successful interview

Before the interview

First, note that the interview begins in the parking lot. Company employees may see you, so make sure you walk with confidencedon’t throw your cigarette or trash on the ground and respect the parking signs. You may want to visit the location the day before your interview to familiarize yourself with it. Also, be sure not to arrive too early (5-7 minutes maximum) or late. If something happens, call the interviewer to let him know you are late. Avoid strong odors such as too much perfume, cigarettes or garlic and other such foods. Remember to throw away your gum, if applicable, before the interview. Also, dress appropriately and cleanly.

During the interview

Afterwards, you must be courteous and smiling with everyone you meet. They are your allies and this is when they build their first impression of you. During the interview, have your resume and the job description in front of you to have a visual to help you through this stressful time. It is important not to be on first-name basis. Do not sit down at the beginning of the interview, wait to be asked and do not stand up after being asked to do so, as this can show arrogance.

80% of your success lies in preparation. Be prepared to answer questions such as your strengths and weaknesses and your greatest accomplishments. Prepare more examples than not (about five), this will allow you to have prepared answers, despite the stress. You can use your close ones to practice answering questions. Answer clearly and precisely and don’t be afraid to rephrase questions to really understand and answer them well. Also, never speak against a former employer. Prepare your reasons for leaving before the interview.

Should salary be discussed or not? In fact, it is always best to wait for the interviewer to bring it up first. If the interviewer does not bring it up, you should wait until the second interview to ask about it. If the second interview is with a boss or owner, wait until you get a call from human resources to mention it. You don’t want the interviewer to feel that salary is your only motivation. However, you should be prepared to answer the question about your salary expectations. It is also important to mention any vacation time you have planned during the interview so that the company knows what to expect.

After the interview

At the end of the interview, if you are not sure whether it went well or not, you can ask the interviewer how he found you and what advice he has for you. Also, don’t forget to ask at least two questions, prepared in advance, to better understand the company (mission, vision, values, boss, etc.). You can also add the people who interviewed you on LinkedIn.

Best practices for a successful interview

Virtual interview

For virtual interviews, test all your equipment (wifi, camera, microphone, etc.) beforehand. If there are any problems, don’t panic and suggest to the interviewer to continue over the phone. Keep your decor simple and professional (a white wall can be very suitable). Be in a quiet environment and remember to turn off your cell phone or smart watch. Be on time, even virtually, and don’t forget to smile!

For advice adapted to your situation, do not hesitate to contact us[email protected]!